There’s no magic, one-size-fits-all answer for building a happier, healthier, more productive life. I developed an in-depth video course about my Four Tendencies framework to help you harness self-knowledge so you can take steps to create the life you want — in the way that’s right for you.
Understand Yourself. Understand Others.
Find the strategies that will work effectively for YOU to create the life you want.
Meets outer expectations
Meets inner expectations
Meets outer expectations
Resists inner expectations
Resists outer expectations
Meets inner expectations
Resists outer expectations
Resists inner expectations
How It Works
When you enroll in the course, you’ll get access to 3 introductory videos so you can get started right away. When you’ve completed the course, you’ll have specific strategies to implement based on your Tendency, not just what works for me, or someone else you know.

Sign Up
Enroll in the course and get started right away. Take the quiz to find your Tendency and start learning about YOU.

Understand Yourself
Learn about how you respond to expectations and how you can use that to create healthy habits and relationships.

Create the Life You Want
You’ll have the strategies that work for YOU so you can build the life you want.
Take The Next Step To Understand Yourself
Who Is The Four Tendencies Course For?
This course is for you if you’ve ever wondered…
- Why can other people rely on me, but I can’t rely on myself?
- Why does it seem like I resist doing things I WANT to do?
- What can’t other people accept that I find comfort and freedom in my routines?
- Why doesn’t everyone do the things they say they are going to do like I do?
- Why do I struggle to make decisions, often becoming overwhelmed by analysis paralysis?
- Why can’t I make time for myself and the habits I know would make me happier and healthier?
Here’s What The Program Looks Like
For five weeks, I’ll release one lesson each day from Monday through Friday. I’ve designed the course so that each day’s lesson should take no more than twenty minutes per day. I really want you to be able easily to incorporate this learning experience into your everyday life.

5 Weeks of Instruction
The first week will focus on your Tendency. Then, you’ll learn how to deal with other Tendencies, and how to harness your Tendency.

14 Video Lessons
In 14 high-quality video lessons, you’ll learn how to understand and deal with each Tendency as well as apply that information with exercises and reflection questions.

17 Interviews
Gretchen spoke with people from every Tendency about how they have taken knowledge of their Tendency to create the life they want. Check out the list below!
Hear Powerful Real Life Examples

Melissa Urban
New York Times best-selling author, Whole30 CEO

Kim Scott
Author, Co-founder and CEO of Radical Candor, Inc.

Tiffany Dufu
Author, Chief Leadership Officer, Levo

Dan Harris
ABC News anchor, Author and Podcaster, 10% Happier

Diane Sanfilippo
New York Times best-selling author of Practical Paleo & The 21-Day Sugar Detox

Eleanor Rubin
Student, Gretchen’s daughter

Mike Vardy
Writer, Speaker, & Podcaster, The Productivityist
What People Are Saying…
I was recently working with a 17-year-old who was trying to quit smoking cigarettes. She was trying and trying to motivate herself to stop smoking and it just wasn’t working. We took your quiz together – and she came out to be an Obliger. It totally helped us tweak her treatment plan to involve other people. It was great and made such a big difference for her.
— Social worker, therapist, LCSW, San Francisco
The Four Tendencies framework has given me a great understanding of myself and allowed me to have a lot of grace in realizing that I need accountability. I kept telling myself that I should be able to do it on my own because my husband could do it. Thank you! Thank you for the research that has allowed me to recognize something in myself that I needed to see. I feel like I will have the ability to be better and do more because of your words!
— Bekah Taylor
I’ve used your Four Tendencies framework with my American and Senegalese colleagues and have been delighted to see Obligers, Questioners, Rebels, and Upholders identify themselves irrespective of cultural upbringing. The framework has been a wonderful tool for improving communication and understanding with our work. Thanks so much for creating the framework (and the podcast!). I enjoy your practical and open-hearted approach to self-improvement.
— Anonymous
Get Started Today!
When you enroll in the course, you’ll immediately get access to 3 introductory videos so you can start right away.
When you’ve completed this course, you’ll have specific strategies you can implement based on your Tendency, not just what works for me, or someone else you know.
Frequent Questions
Should I get my friends to join?
You’ll have access to an online community with whom to share your progress, but if you know someone who would enjoy or benefit from this course, please spread the word!
Do I need to purchase the book?
No. If you’ve already read the book, you’ll enjoy the additional information and resources this course provides. If you want to get the book after you take the course, to continue pondering the ideas, terrific, but not required.
I’ve designed the course to help people dive deeper into the concepts from The Four Tendencies, and really apply them to their life in a practical way. There’s definitely a lot of information that’s presented in the book—and there’s also additional information not found in the book. For instance, the course also includes interviews, live “Ask Me Anything” calls, and the community element. If you’ve read the book, you’ll find that some content is familiar and that some is new and will help you put the Four Tendencies to work in your life.
Do I have to have a Facebook account to join the community?
You do not need to have a Facebook account to join the community. The community is hosted in “Private Groups” on my app, Better. One group includes everyone who’s going through the course with you right now, and another group includes people of your Tendency.
What if I have questions while going through the course?
If you have a question or need help with the course website or community, you can contact the support team from the “Support” button on the member dashboard.
How do I access The Four Tendencies Course?
When you purchase The Four Tendencies Course, you will receive an email with login information. Check your email and use that username and password to log in to https://courses.gretchenrubin.com.
About Gretchen Rubin
Gretchen Rubin is the author of several books, including the blockbuster New York Times bestsellers, The Four Tendencies, Better Than Before, The Happiness Project, and Happier at Home. She has an enormous readership, both in print and online, and her books have sold three million copies worldwide, in more than thirty languages. She is also the co-host of the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast along with her sister Elizabeth.