Your tendency: Rebel
According to your answers, your dominant Tendency is Rebel.
The “Four Tendencies” framework describes how we respond to expectations. We all face two kinds of expectations:
- Outer expectations, such as meeting work deadlines or observing traffic regulations, and
- Inner expectations, such as quitting napping or keeping a New Year’s resolution.
Upholder: “I do what others expect of me—and what I expect from myself.”
Questioner: “I do what I think is best, according to my judgment. If it doesn’t make sense, I won’t do it.”
Obliger: “I do what I have to do. I don’t want to let others down, but I may let myself down.”
Rebel: “I do what I want, in my own way. If you try to make me do something—even if I try to make myself do something—I’m less likely to do it.”
So what does it mean to be a Rebel?
Rebels resist all expectations, outer and inner alike. They choose to act from a sense of choice, of freedom. Rebels wake up and think, “What do I want to do today?”
Rebels place a high value on authenticity and self-determination, and bring an unshackled spirit to what they do. Rebels work toward their own goals, in their own way, and while they refuse to do what they’re “supposed” to do, they can accomplish their own aims.
It’s important to remember that Rebels can do anything they choose to do, and they seek to live up to their own identity and their values.
At the same time, Rebels often frustrate others, because they can’t be asked or told to do anything. Unless it’s a matter of living up to their values and identity, they aren’t persuaded by an argument such as: “People are counting on you,” “You said you’d do it,” “Your brother will be upset,” “This is the deadline,” or “Everyone has to do this.”
In fact, asking or telling Rebels to do something often makes them do just the opposite. The people around Rebels must guard against accidentally igniting their spirit of opposition—particularly challenging for the parents of Rebel children.
Rebels resist control, even self-control, and usually enjoy flouting rules and expectations.
In fact, Rebels sometimes frustrate even themselves, because they can’t tell themselves what to do.
For the most part, they don’t respond well to supervision, advice, directions, reminders, nagging, or routines, or doing repetitive tasks. They prefer spontaneity to scheduling. They may act as though the rules don’t apply to them.
If a Rebel is in a long-term relationship in work or romance, the Rebel’s partner is probably an Obliger.
To inspire a Rebel to act, it’s most effective to:
- appeal to their identity—many Rebels place a high value on idealistic identities such “I’m a loving parent,” “I’m a strong, engaged boss,” “I’m a successful entrepreneur”), or
- use information-consequence-choice when explaining a task—“My experiences with my previous patients shows that when people do their post-op rehabilitation exercises, they’re much more likely to regain full strength, independence, and experience less pain. But of course it’s up to you to decide what you want to do.”
As outlined in Better Than Before, my book about habit change, certain strategies for habit change tend to have special appeal for Rebels.
Rebels tend to resist habits, because they want to act with a sense of choice and freedom, and they often prefer to be spontaneous rather than to plan or schedule. Nevertheless, if you’re a Rebel trying to form a habit-like behavior of exercise, you might:
- Focus on why you want to exercise—it makes you feel energetic and alive; it’s fun; you love a challenge (Strategy of Clarity)
- Consider how exercise allows you to be true to yourself—you’ve always been an athlete; you’re a person who refuses to stay cooped up inside all day (Strategy of Identity)
- Exercise in a way that sets you apart from what people usually do (Strategy of Other People)
When we understand ourselves and how our Tendency shapes our perspective on the world, we can adapt our circumstances to suit our own nature—and when we understand how other people’s Tendencies shape their perspective, we can engage with them more effectively.
The Four Tendencies explain why we act and why we don’t act.
Take The Next Step To Understand Yourself
I developed this in-depth video course about my Four Tendencies framework to help you understand yourself and others. Because you just took the quiz, I’m offering a discount for a limited time.
There’s no magic, one-size-fits-all answer for building a happier, healthier, more productive life.
Here’s what the course looks like
5 Weeks of Instruction
You’ll begin 5 weeks of instruction. The first week will focus on your Tendency. In the following weeks you’ll learn how to deal with other Tendencies, and finally how to harness your Tendency. Lessons are designed to be completed in 20 minutes per day.
14 video lessons
In 14 high-quality video lessons, you’ll learn from Gretchen about how to understand and deal with each Tendency as well as apply that information with exercises and reflection questions. Transcripts of the video lessons are also available.
17 Interviews
Gretchen spoke with people from every Tendency about how they have taken knowledge of their Tendency to create the life they want. She spoke with Dan Harris (Questioner), Melissa Hartwig (Upholder), Diane Sanfilippo (Rebel), TIffany Dufu (Obliger), and more.
Archived Live Calls
Gretchen has hosted several “Ask Me Anything” calls this year. These calls have been recorded and you are able to access them and listen to Gretchen answer many excellent questions about The Four Tendencies.
Private Community
During the course you will be given access to a private community where you can connect and share what you’re learning with those who are participating in the course with you.
Lifetime Access
After the 5 weeks of instruction end, you will have lifetime access to all course and bonus material. You will be able to go back and rewatch lessons or catch up if you got behind.
What people are saying about the Four Tendencies

“The Four Tendencies framework has given me a great understanding of myself and allowed me to have a lot of grace in realizing that I need accountability. I kept telling myself that I should be able to do it on my own because my husband could do it. Thank you! Thank you for the research that has allowed me to recognize something in myself that I needed to see. I feel like I will have the ability to be better and do more because of your words!” Bekah Taylor